Lot Number:001
Start Time:7/12/2020 4:00:00 AM
End Time:7/15/2020 11:00:00 PM
Bid Count:0
Current High Bidder:
Starting Bid:$1.00
Bid Increment:$1.00
Current Bid:$1.00
Bidding complete

Preview for all items will be on Tuesday, July 14th between 4 pm and 6 pm.  Call 724-704-0448 for address.




5% Buyer's Premium (waived for cash)

6% Sales Tax where applicable


All Sales are Final. All items are Sold As-Is.

The seller and auction company do not warrant the authenticity or condition of any items. Descriptive references contained in any document or used by any person in describing the items being sold are used for convenience only. Bidder inspection is encouraged.


These items are owned by a former gun store owner, he still has a valid FFL


For Long Guns – You must be 18+ years old and legally allowed to own a weapon

For Pistols – You must be a PA RESIDENT who is 21+ years old and legally allowed to own a weapon to take possession from his premises.    If you are NOT A PA RESIDENT, you must have your pistol shipped to a FFL address and paperwork must be done from on that end.  The cost to ship any pistol to any US only address will be $40 (made payable to the consignor).

There will be NO SHIPPING on any other item. No ammo, no holsters, no magazines, no long guns.

State and Federal Registration Forms will be filled out for EVERY GUN sold in this auction.


Gun dealers holding a Federal Firearms License must provide a signed and up-to-date copy of their license. No background check is required for FFL holders. In addition a sales tax exemption number can be provided to avoid paying PA sales tax.


All guns to be picked up in New Castle

All pick ups for the guns will by appointment only over the course of several days following the auction.  All pick ups are expected to be completed by July 24th.

Paperwork and receipt of the guns will by appointment. Payment can be made ahead of time via us (the auction company) running your credit card, or you can pay CASH at pick up. No credit card or checks at the time of pick up.  5% buyer's premium.  Buyer's premium will be waived on cash purchases.

If you purchased a gun, I will forward your information (please be sure your account has correct phone number) to the consignor. He will reach out within next day or two to schedule an appointment with you sometime this upcoming week.

You will be responsible to bring an additional $25 for the background check (pass or fail). If you bought more than 1 gun, each additional gun after the first will have a fee of $5. Expect the pick up to last at least 30 minutes for the background check phone call.

All ammo, holsters, knives, scopes, etc to be picked up in Rochester.

Any of the Ammo, Holsters, Knives, Etc. are to be picked up at our warehouse in Rochester on Sunday, July 19th between 10 am and 4 pm.  Please call 724-704-0448 about 15 minutes before heading down.


If you buy a gun AND some other items, you can pick everything up at once in New Castle.



There are no bids for the lot at this time

No donations for this lot

Online Bidding Only -

Guns - New Castle, PA

Ammo, Holster, Magazines, Etc - Rochester, PA

Bidding will end on Wednesday, July 15th.  First lot closes at 7 pm, 2 Lots per minute after.

Last minute bidding extends remaining time open to bid (soft close)

No Shipping except for Hand Guns (Pistols), which must be shipped to a FFL location and paperwork must be done on that end.

Pick Ups:

Guns, by appointment in New Castle. Address to be provided.

All other items, to be picked up at 124 Hinds St. in Rochester, I will be available 10 to 4 on Sunday, July 19th.  Possiby other times by appointment.

Read Lot 001 for all details and requirements


5% buyer's premium (waived for cash)

6% sales tax where applicable