Warehouse Auction
Bidding Registration: We manually approve all new bidders, which may result in a delay, possibly a few hours, between registration and your ability to place bids, especially for registrations made overnight or on weekends.
Note about Yahoo / AOL Email Addresses: Please be aware that if you use a @yahoo.com or @AOL email address, you won't receive our outbid notifications and invoices. Yahoo doesn't even send these to your spam folder; they simply do not deliver them. AOL usually sends into your Spam folder. Emails about upcoming auctions come from a different server and usually arrive as expected.
Registration Confirmation: On occasion, we may reach out with a phone call before final approval. If you're registering with an address that's more than a 1-2 hour drive away, please call us to confirm your ability to pick up items as we do not offer shipping.
Bidding Schedule:
- Preview: by appointment
- Bidding ends on Sunday, July 21st.
- The first 3 lots will start closing at 6 pm, with 3 lots closing each minute afterward.
- Bids placed within 3 minutes of an item's end time will extend the countdown by an additional 3 minutes.
Pickup Details:
- Items can be picked by appointment on Monday, July 22nd thru Wednesday, July 24th, generally there 10 am until 5 pm. Please just call or text ahead to confirm availability.
- Located at 124 Hinds Street, in Rochester (our warehouse location)
Item Condition: Everything is sold "As-Is." We do not authenticate or guarantee any item.
Fees and Taxes:
- There is a 5% Buyer's Premium, which is WAIVED FOR CASH payments.
- A 6% Sales Tax applies where applicable.
- Checks are accepted only from known and frequent bidders.
- Shipping: Please note that we do not offer shipping; items are for local pickup only.
If you have any questions or need further information, don't hesitate to reach out. We look forward to your participation in this auction.